
Korean Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

[사전등록 연장 11월 20일까지]2018년 아시아-태평양 국제학술대회(國際學術大會)
날짜 2018-10-02 조회수 2,958



2018년 아시아-태평양 국제학술대회(國際學術大會)

Korean Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

2018 Asia-Pacific International Geriatric Conference (APIGC)

Current and Future in Asia-Pacific Geriatric Psychiatry

일시: 20181123~24(~) 장소: 그랜드힐튼호텔 서울 (홍은동 소재)



원본 그림의 이름: CLP00000ca81ee8.bmp

원본 그림의 크기: 가로 191pixel, 세로 227pixel

Welcome Address from the KAGP President

It is with great honor and pleasure that we welcome you to the Korean Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (KAGP), 2018 Asia-Pacific International Geriatric Conference (APIGC) in the Grand Hilton Seoul Hotel, Seoul, South Korea.

Considering the facts that Asia-Pacific Regions are now sharing common challenges to improve psychiatric problems in elderly such as dementia, depression and suicide, it is an important issue to collaborate each other and share region-specific problems, and we have decided to organize the APIGC on Nov 23-24, 2018.

We are more than delighted to invite outstanding researchers in the field of dementia and depression in Asia-Pacific countries, as well as young psychiatrists with their original works. We hope that the APIGC would be the ideal platform to communicate and to promote our innovative knowledge in this field.

The APIGC consisted of seven symposiums, luncheons, poster sessions, and welcome reception with dinner on Nov 23. It is titled as “Current and Future in Asia-Pacific Geriatric Psychiatry”. I am sure that the APIGC is an exceptional opportunity for you to give new insights for your professional service, for new research initiatives, and for education about geriatric psychiatry.

September, 2018

Kang-Seob Oh, MD, PhD

President of KAGP, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea

[사전등록 안내]

All symposiums will be in English. 연수강좌는 한국어로 진행됩니다.

평 점

- 대한의사협회 연수평점: 11236, 11243/ - 노인정신건강 인증의 이수평점: 1일 각 15

Registration Fee

[Domestic Registration]

- 정회원 전문의 (Early-bird Registration(by October 21)) KRW 50,000

(Pre-registration(November 18)) KRW 70,000

(On Site-registration) KRW 80,000

- 비회원 전문가 (전문의, 심리학, 간호학, 기타분야 전문가)

(Early-bird Registration(by October 21)) KRW 60,000

(Pre-registration(November 18)) KRW 90,000

(On Site-registration) KRW 100,000

- 인증의, 군전문의, 전공의, 기타분야 수련생, 연구원, 학생

(Early-bird Registration(by October 21)) KRW 40,000

(Pre-registration(November 18)) KRW 60,000

(On Site-registration) KRW 70,000

- 평생회원 Free

- Welcome Reception
KRW 30,000

[International Registration]

- Participant (Early-bird Registration(by October 21)) USD 150

(Pre-registration(November 18))
USD 200

(On Site-registration) USD 250

- Student (Early-bird Registration(by October 21)) USD 100

(Pre-registration(November 18)) USD 150

(On Site-registration) USD 200

- Welcome Reception


- 사전등록기간20181118()까지

- 사전등록방법본인 이름으로 입금 후 홈페이지(www.kagp2018.org) 등록해 주십시오.

입금계좌 : 하나 103-910054-91204 (예금주 : 대한노인정신의학회)

문 의 : 학회 kagp@hanmail.net, 02-6203-2595 / PCO info-pre@ceed.kr, 02-6448-4021

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