
Korean Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

서국희 이사가 the Board of IPA에 선출되었습니다
날짜 2003-08-01 조회수 13,530

함께 축하해주십시오.

President of IPA 의 편지 전문을 올립니다.


Subject: Election Results to the Bord of IPA

Dear IPA Member,


It is with pleasure that I enclose the results of the elections to the Board of IPA.  It is particularly exciting for me to witness such a diverse group of young people from a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences, and nationalities.


This was the most hotly contested IPA election ever with 9 positions out of 20 very qualified candidates.   As I come to the end of my term as president, it is reassuring to know that the future of IPA is in such safe hands.  Here are the successful candidates listed alphabetically by country.


Congratulations to:

Serge Gauthier - Canada

Greg R.J. Swanwick - Ireland

Leonardo Pantoni - Italy

Frans R.J. Verhey - The Netherlands

Xin Yu - The Republic of China

Guk-Hee Suh - South Korea

Raimundo Mateos - Spain

John T. O'Brien - United Kingdom

Jacobo Mintzer - United States



Alistair Burns


International Psychogeriatric Association
Suite 340, 5215 Old Orchard Road
Skokie, Illinois (IL) United States
Tel:  +1.847.663.0574; Fax:  +1.847.663.0591
IPA .... Better Mental Health for Older People.
With members in over 70 countries, IPA is the premier multi-disciplinary organization concerned with the mental health care of our aging people around the world.
Bookmark the Internet address www.ipa-online.org, or email your questions to info@ipa-online.org
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